journey began as my very own way of reconnecting with tarot, which i had once been quite familiar with, but we kind of lost touch as life became overwhelming.
but than my life changed in oh so many ways and i started to realize that this is a time for me to revisited - and reconnect with things that once ment so much to me...
so i took out my old deck which had stayed hidden in a box, but stayed all the same---through many times of moving houses, re-organizing my life, getting rid of material balast, but
somehow, even though stored away, this deck made all this changes with me.
when i took it out again i was sad to realize how much i had forgotten over the years- so i started with "a card a day"...
and than i started thinking...
hey,- it would be great for ever card i drew each, how lovely would it be to make my own interpretation of what this card ment to me...
so i just sat down and created my very first own card:
surely i started of with 0, so the fool, as this was how i felt at that moment- full of excitment and big dreams but with little knowledge...
so one thing kind of led to another- i started studying, reading whatever i could get my hands on...about the raider-waite-smith symbolism, about artists decks, i looked at hundereds of
pictures, read blogs an whatnot...
and i started making up my own mind, drawing, designing, discarding, goung forward and backward, ćhanging and improving and slowly things started to come together.
looking at the awesome works other people had created humbled me, discoureged me, made my doubt myself a million times, but somehow i made it through this stage and realized i had something
to say, i kind of found my voice, my point of view and i really started loving what i created.
so this, for me , is what journey is all about...
So if you are looking for that special deck of cards, desingned with so much heart, printed eco-friendly, no synthetic finishes added, every set coming to you in its own unique handcradfted
bag, and send out with all my love, here it is, made just for you!